説教概要・Message Summary

7月25日(木)19:30~21:00 開会礼拝 






25 July, 19:30-21:00  Opening Service 

Rev. Ryoko Sasaki (Japanische Evangelische Gemeinde Koln/Bonn, Germany)

Genesis 45:5-15 “Blessed to believe in God’s time” 


Jesus said, “Make the best use of the time,” but he also he said, “Why do you not know how to interpret the present time?” These words are also spoken to us who are living in the chaotic modern times. Through the story of Joseph’s turbulent life as written in Genesis, we will look into the blessings for those who believe that there is “God’s time,” even in what appears to be worst the times. A life full of possibilities awaits you, and God will give you the best.    



7月26日(金)7:00~7:30 早天祈祷会 

川上寧先生(Japanese Christ’s Disciples, ベルギー)





26 July, 7:00-7:30  Morning Prayer Meeting

Rev. Yasushi Kawakami (Japanese Christ’s Disciples, Belgium)

Mark 12:41-44 “Time to live in the eyes of the Lord ” 


The act of “offering” is inseparable from being a Christian. We praise, give thanks, pray, donate, worship, and offer ourselves (dedication), etc. We offer these things to the Lord, but this “offering” also means risking our lives. Worship originally meant offering sacrifices, and the Lord Jesus also offered Himself to God as a holy offering. 



7月26日(金)10:00~11:30 特別講演 石堂ゆみ氏





26 July 10:00-11:30  Special Seminar  Ms. Yumi Ishido

Isaiah 41:4  “Prepare for an anit-Israel / anti-Semitic world”


I was saved in 1989 while working at a hospital in Israel. Since then, through my relationship with Israel for over 30 years, I have come to realize that the Lord is God who actually exists, and that the salvation is real. Israel bears witness to that fact not through their own greatness, but through their failures and hardships. We will consider how to understand and live in a world where anti-Israel and anti-Semitism becomes justice.   



7月26日(金)19:30~21:00 礼拝 






26 July 19:30-21:00  Worship Service

Rev. Dieter Haegele (Japanische Evangelische Gemeinde Duesseldorf, Germany)

Psalm 90:1-17 (A prayer of Moses the man of God)  “Give us a heart of wisdom”


Moses prays, “Teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom,” and he hopes God will help us remember what is most important in our limited lives.  We would like to confirm what kind of wisdom Moses pointed out and consider how we should live as people who have acquired such a heart of wisdom.  



7月27日(土)7:00~7:30 早天祈祷会 


聖書箇所:ヨハネの福音書4:5-7 「平和を築く3ステップ」




27 July 7:00-7:30  Morning Prayer Meeting

Rev. Akira Masutani (Japanese Church of the Southern Netherlands, Netherlands)

John 4:5-7  “3 steps to build peace”


How can we build peace in this world? Jesus met a Samaritan woman at the well and demonstrated the importance of Engaging, Accepting, and Testifying. Through these three steps (E.A.T.), we will learn and pray about His way of achieving peace.



7月27日(土)9:30~10:00 会衆賛美 横山大輔・和子ご夫妻




27 July 9:30-10:00  Praise Time  Daisuke & Kazuko Yokoyama


Continuing from last year, Daisuke and Kazuko Yokoyama, who are active as professional gospel singers will lead singing the praises. This year, the youth group will join in the lead. Let us all praise the Lord together.  



7月27日(土)10:00~11:30 特別講演 






27 July 10:00-11:30  Special Seminar

Rev. Martin Meyer (Japanische Evangelische Gemeinde Schweiz, Switzerland)

“Viewing the current situation of Israel from a Biblical perspective”


There is currently a fierce war between Israel and the Hamas terrorist organization. Let us learn together how to understand the original meaning of this conflict from a Biblical perspective.



7月27日(土)14:00~15:30 祈りの時間 






27 July 14:00-15:30  Prayer Time

Rev. Masato Funakoshi (Holy Trinity Church, Odesa, Ukraine)

“Mission in Ukraine”


Continuing from last year, Rev. Masato Funakoshi, who is sent for mission in Ukraine, will report on his support and missionary works for local residents, and we will all have a time of prayer. Please join us in this precious work while praying for the restoration of peace. 



7月27日(土)19:30~21:00 礼拝 


聖書箇所:ルツ記1:6~22「苦難の果てに待つ神の恵み ルツ記が伝える神の時」




27 July 19:30-21:00  Worship Service

Rev. Mitsuyo Atsumi (Milano Praise Church, Italy)

Ruth 1:6-22  “God’s grace awaits at the end of hardship: God’s time shown in the book of Ruth“


When we are in the midst of hardship, we often fail to realize that God’s blessing awaits for us at the end. Naomi, who lost her husband and sons and was left alone in a foreign land with her foreign daughter-in-law, must have felt deep sadness and despair. Naomi said, “The LORD has brought me back empty.” But through the life of Ruth who clung to Naomi, we see that all things work together for good for those who are called according to God’s purpose. 



7 月 28 日(日)7:00~7:30 早天祈祷会 


聖書箇所:伝道者の書 11:1~6「神の原則を基にして生きる」




28 July 7:00-7:30  Morning Prayer Meeting

Rev. Reinhard Berns (Japanische Evangelische Christliche Gemeinde Hamburg, Germany)

Ecclesiastes 11:1-6 “Live by God’s principles”


A few years ago, no one would have thought that the coronavirus would come or that there would be a war in Ukraine. We don't know what will happen in the future, but the book of Ecclesiastes gives us advice on how to live now.



7 月 28 日(日)10:00~11:30 合同礼拝 


聖書箇所:ヨハネの福音書 4 :27~42 「私たちは今、何を見ているのか」




28 July 10:00-11:30  Joint Service

Rev. Hiroshi Yabuki (Japanische Evangelische Christliche Gemeinde Frankfurt am Main, Germany)

John 4:27-42  “What are we seeing now?”


The Lord Jesus led a Samaritan woman through a conversation. The story also includes a mysterious dialogue between Jesus and his disciples. Although the disciples were thinking about actual food, Jesus said, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work,” and He called them to “food,” and that was the work that they were supposed to do. Furthermore, the work that the disciples were to do had already been begun by the woman who were saved. What was Jesus seeing at that time? What are we seeing now?